0800 840 6333

Bartercard UK

Bartercard works for you, guaranteeing to bring you, new customers, allowing you to grow or use spare or underutilised capacity.

Unlock New Business Opportunities in with Bartercard


Head Office

0800 840 6333


Unit 20 & 21 Omega Business Village

Thurston Road



Guaranteed Extra Business

Bartercard promotes your company to thousands of local, national and international businesses who are all potential customers. Every new customer brought to you by Bartercard brings new income on top of what you’re already receiving, which will help increase your profit margins.  

Offset Cash Expenses

Bartercard gives you the freedom to accept trade pounds to attract new customers and increase your sales. Use this additional income to pay for what you need, saving you valuable cash for other business or personal expenses and investments.

Interest-Free Line of Credit

Bartercard provides you with an interest fee line of credit creating an additional source of funding for you to invest in the growth of your business and allowing you to do things that may not have been possible because of cash flow pressures.

Fill Unproductive Downtime

Every business owner struggles with the dilemma of what to do with extra inventory or idle production time. Bartercard provides a tool to put that excess to use in profitable ways. The Bartercard exchange accomplishes this objective by matching sellers products or services with businesses looking to purchase them on trade. It’s a win-win situation.

Utilise Spare Capacity

In the cash economy, in order to sell excess stock, a business will typically apply a discount, run dealer promotions or write off excess stock. Through Bartercard, business owners are able to sell excess inventory at the normal selling price negating the need to reduce precious profit margins.

Improve Your Lifestyle

Take your pick from thousands of holiday packages, pay for new clothing, entertainment, hobby equipment, gym memberships, massages, dining out, home renovations and soft furnishings without spending cash.

If your bank gave you an interest free line of credit and guaranteed you the extra business to pay it back, would you use it?

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